Do you have an idea or a suggestion for us to write about?
First, before submitting a suggestion, be sure to search The Survival Journal again if you have already, on the topic you’re looking for. It may be inside of another article or one of our in-depth survival guides.
After searching again, if you don’t see any existing material on the subject, feel free to leave a suggestion for us. Thoughts and ideas for suggestions.
For How-To Instructions and Specific Subjects
If you have a specific topic or subject that you want covered, include as many details as you can when submitting the form. Tell us the topic name and why you think we should cover it.
For Questions
If your question is based on your specific scenario and contains personal details, we will do our best to help through email. We can’t answer every question with a post, but we would like to answer to a question completely with a proper write up to post for everyone else to benefit from. Be as specific as possible when posting your question.
The Survival Journal doesn’t tolerate SPAM. Don’t abuse this form.