Are you prepared? Well, there is a community of people that are.
For what?
If you’ve about preppers and are asking yourself, “what is a prepper?“, keep reading.
Here’s what this post covers. We’re going to cover the definition of a Prepper. The definition of a Survivalist. Common characteristics of Preppers, what Preppers believe, and what Preppers are not.
Prepper Life
Whether it’s being prepped and ready for the next earthquake in California or the next category 3 hurricanes to blow through Florida. The Preppers in those areas will be the ones people go to for help.
Because they’re prepared.
Now, being smart and prepared doesn’t mean you have to build Fort Knox “just in case” the zombie apocalypse might come in your lifetime. Being prepared means different things to different people. For Preppers, it means just being smart about having supplies, plans, and being safe in dangerous scenarios.
Whether it’s canning and preserving food so you’re pantry is stocked in case a natural disaster strikes and food becomes a scarce resource for a week. Or making a few security measurements to protect your home and family from intruders.
Having a well thought out plan for likely disasters in the future is key.
So you’re wondering what a Prepper is? Let’s get started.
What Is a Prepper?
Okay, let’s establish exactly what a prepper is. According to the Google dictionary, the definition of a prepper is:
I thought that was what a Survivalist was?
You’re probably also familiar with survivalists and maybe thinking preppers and survivalists are the same.
They are often called the same thing and there’s been an on-going debate on whether or not there are significant differences between the two labels.
According to the Google dictionary, a Survivalist is:
What about Survivalism?
According to Wiki, Preppers and Survivalists are experts in the field of Survivalism:
They are both essentially synonymous with the definition of Survivalism.
“Survivalism is a primarily American movement of individuals or groups (called survivalists or preppers) who actively prepare for emergencies, including possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales from local to international. Survivalism also encompasses preparation for personal emergencies, such as job loss or being stranded in the wild or under adverse weather conditions.”
That’s what we all strive for. To learn, develop, and implement survival and preparedness methods to our everyday life.
Common Characteristics
Preppers have similar qualities and characteristics. A few of them include:
- Self-Sufficient. Preppers are self-sufficient individuals. They’re grown intelligent adults that prepare for the future.
- DIY’ers and Builders. Want something done you gotta do it yourself.
- Skillful. We develop a large range of skills to be self-sufficient and self-reliant. From canning food to building a fire in the wild.
What Preppers Are Not
Some people think we are crazy people running around screaming “DOOMSDAY IS COMING”. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Preppers are not manic paranoid people constantly worrying about doomsday. In a nutshell, we are intelligent adults who think about the future.
What Do Preppers Believe
Preppers believe it’s just common sense and smart to prepare for future emergencies. Emergencies and disasters, man-made or not, happen all the time.
We believe in thinking ahead, being proactive. That’s what prepping is about. Prospering in the future.
They happened before and will continue to happen throughout the future.
The question is, will you be prepared the next time one happens to you?
Now you know what a prepper is and what a survivalist is. We believe in being prepared for emergencies and disasters before they come up. Not during or after. At that point, it’s too late.