Are you looking for information on paracord shelf life? You’re in the right place. In this article, we’re going over what the average shelf life is and how to maximize it’s longevity and durability so you get the most out of it. It’s useful to know how long you can expect yours to last you, especially if you decide to learn how to make a survival paracord bracelet to use out in the wilderness.
The shelf life of standard paracord ranges from 7-10 years depending on the type you buy and how you take care of it.
Parachute cord, or as it is more commonly known, paracord, is one of the most useful types of rope-like material available on today’s market. It is also known as 550 cord. This name comes from the fact that paracord is designed to have a breaking strength that is at a minimum of 550 pounds. It is made of nylon that is braided into a smooth cord that has excellent strength. Individual paracord strands can also be braided together to provide additional strength and durability. Paracord was first used for parachute suspension lines but it is now used for many other purposes. It is one of the most popular types of cord for camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, and survival situations.
Paracord gained fame through its use by American paratroopers, but now it is seen as a must-have tool by today’s top survival experts. It is one of those things that are handy to have in your pack when you go hiking, camping, hunting, fishing or you are doing survival training. People use their paracord for everything from lifting objects and tying things down to using it for fishing and trapping. This really is one of the most beneficial types of cord that you can find for use in the outdoors. It is also a cord that will last you for a long time if it is maintained the right way.
5 Ways To Maximize The Longevity of Paracord
The shelf life will depend on how well you take care of it. It will also depend on the quality of paracord that you purchase. It is recommended that you purchase military-grade paracord. There are certain things that you can do to keep your paracord in good condition so that you will get many years out of it. With this said, these are 5 ways to maximize the longevity of your paracord so that it will last you a long time and serve you well.
Store in a Dark Place
Paracord is highly durable and can last for years, but it does hold up best when you store it in a cool, dry, dark place when you are not using it. This is because exposure to UV light will cause it to degrade over time. The reason that you want to keep your paracord in a dark place when you are not using it is because of the fact that it is made from nylon.
Nylon is a material that deteriorates from long-term sun exposure. It goes without saying that your paracord is going to get exposed to sunlight for periods of time when you are using it in outdoor and survival situations but you can help to improve its longevity by getting it into dry, cool, dark storage when it is not being used.
Proper Storage To Maximize Longevity
Another thing that you can do to maximize the longevity is to neatly store it when you are not using it. How you store your paracord is a major factor and will determine how long it lasts for you.
There are a lot of different ways that you can organize and store yours so that it does not become tangled and damaged. One of the easiest ways to store it effectively is to wrap it up on a ladder winder. It not only makes it easy to store and maintain your paracord but it also makes it easy to access when you need it next.
Keep It Clean and Dry
Another consideration that can affect the shelf life is keeping it clean and dry. Paracord can withstand getting wet, but you should be aware that this can cause it to shrink.
If you are using your paracord in an outdoor setting, then there is always a good chance that it will get wet. Some paracord applications such as using it for fishing are obviously going to leave you with a wet paracord. The important thing is to make sure you rinse and dry it out properly before you store it between uses.
Rinsing and drying it will help you to avoid having rot issues with the cord. It is a product that is quite resistant to rotting, but it can rot if it is not maintained the right way. Keeping it clean and dry is another way to maintain it so that you can get many years out of it. The importance of keeping your paracord dry is also another reason why you should store it in a dry place.
Avoid Exposing Your Paracord to High Temperatures
You should avoid exposing your paracord to high temperatures as another way to maximize its longevity. High temperatures are another thing that nylon material is sensitive to.
You do not want to expose yours to fire and boiling water is too hot for the material as well. You can put your paracord through your clothes washing machine to clean it but you should not use your clothes dryer to dry it out. Air drying paracord is a preferable method.
It is also recommended that you do not expose yours to strong chemicals and substances such as bleach. These can also cause the material to degrade and be less effective for the things that you use it for.
You Can Strengthen Your Paracord By Braiding Several Cords Together
Another way that you can get the most out of your paracord and make it more effective is to braid multiple cords together. When you combine multiple lengths of paracord together, you create a much stronger cord that can take on a much greater load. Combining multiple lengths of paracord by braiding them together can dramatically increase the amount that you can pull with it and it will last you longer than individual lengths will when you use them on their own. This is another highly useful way to maximize the overall durability.
I hope this article on paracord shelf life and how to increase the longevity and durability helped you out. If you’re looking for more information, check out our guide on paracord projects and also our guide on different paracord knots and how to tie them.