We make tons of DIY paracord projects here because paracord is too valuable of a material to not become skilled with. In our last post of DIY projects, we talked about how to make a paracord bracelet.
Now you’re going to learn how to make a paracord koozie. It’s just like a paracord pouch if you ever made one of those. Continue below for the instructions for this tutorial.
You only need a couple of items for this project.
- 30 feet of paracord
- A rubber band
- A pencil
- Can of beer or soda.
To make a single koozie, you’ll need about 30 feet of paracord. The only other item you need is your beer or other choice of beverage you want to hold with it.
You could also use a paracord fin needle, but you don’t need one to make one.
Diy Paracord Koozie Instructions
Total Time: 20 minutes
Put Rubber Band Around Pencil and End of Paracord
Take your pencil and an end of your paracord and put them against the can. Then put the rubber band around the can, pencil, and paracord so the pencil and cord are securely fastened to the can.
Wrap and Weave
Then you’re going to start wrapping your paracord around the can and pencil. You want to wrap in a zig-zag fashion around the can. Leave about a half an inch between the sections of the weave. Keep making these half-inch sections all the way around to the bottom.
Tie a Stopper Knot
Keep going until you reach the center of the can. When you do, tuck the cord inside the weave and that’s where you’ll tie a stopper knot (see how to tie a stopper knot). Afterward, you can cut the excess cord you have left.
Make Your Cinch Cord
Take the excess cord you have and use that to make your cinch-cord. This will be your handle for the koozie.
This is one of the cool paracord projects you can do to show off to your friends when they see you holding your beers in koozies you made yourself.
We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to make a paracord koozie. You may also want to see our guide on how to make survival paracord bracelets and our guide on how to tie knots.
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