In this post, we go over 7 EDC essentials every man should carry. Everyday carry is an often overlooked subject in terms of safety and self-defense. Not all items are equal in that regard.
Emergencies and disasters happen anywhere and at any time. When they do happen, you want to have the EDC essentials with you. Without knowing what the most important items are and which tools will deliver the most functionality and ability, you may be carrying something that doesn’t serve you as well as a different item could.
You don’t know where you’ll be or what you’ll have with you. To best be prepared, have an everyday carry (EDC) kit of essential survival items where ever you are. At least your house, your car, and where you work.
If you spend a significant amount of time elsewhere, it’s a good idea to have one there as well. Mother nature and criminals won’t care that you’re not prepared for the shit that’s about to hit the fan.
7 EDC Essentials List Every Man Should Carry
- Mini Multi-tool
- Firestarter
- Paracord
- Pocket Knife
- Flashlight
- Handgun
- Wallet
What do you leave home with?
Do you grab certain items?
Do you always have specific items that you always have on yourself?
Do you keep items in your car?
At the bare minimum, carrying the essential items with you will serve twofold.
- You’ll have peace of mind knowing that just in case you end up in an emergency scenario. You’ll have what you need to protect yourself.
- When something does happen. You’ll be happy you carried with you a few simple but effective EDC items.
A Backup
Since these items are the most important, you may want to have a backup kit at the places you spend the most time at.
- Home
- Car
- Office
Urban Survival: Essential EDC Items you should have everywhere you are
There are EDC items you bring with you when you just want to be a little extra cautious and have more protection for self-defense or emergencies with you. But you don’t want to carry them every single day.
This is the essentials list. The primary items to carry with you every day without struggle or interference. But still gives you more than enough confidence to handle and solve an emergency.
1. Mini Multi-tool
Multi-tools are one of the most versatile items available to use. They’re small (most of them) and compact. Allowing you to carry a lot of functionality with you.
Carrying a full out tactical multi-tool seems overkill for carrying every day. Opt for the mini multi-tool and you have a near-perfect EDC tool.
2. Firestarter
If you ever have to bug-out to the wild in an urban disaster, knowing how to start a fire in the wilderness is critical.
Always have a quick and reliable way of starting a fire. A simple lighter works. Also, most paracord bracelets have firestarters as one of their functions.
3. Paracord
I usually recommend carrying with you a paracord survival bracelet. Why?
Because they’re outstanding multifunctional tools that don’t require you to pack or “carry” them since you can wear them on your wrists. And there is plenty of paracord with the bracelet.
You can also make a paracord bracelet if you want.
4. Pocket Knife
Carrying a pocket knife is the number one item a man should have with him at all times. It’s the most versatile and useful item you can carry. You can open a beer, break a window, and defend yourself against a mugger all with your knife.
If carrying a folding pocket knife isn’t enough for you and you want to carry something a little more… rugged and
Check out the guide to carrying a fixed blade around your belt.
5. Flashlight
When you can see, everything is fine and the ability to see soon becomes taken for granted.
Needing to see in the dark in an emergency instantly reminds us how important it is to be able to see. Have a flashlight with you. A mini tactical flashlight is ideal.
6. Handgun
Deciding to become a concealed carrier has tremendous amounts of responsibility. Ultimately it’s your choice to carry, but I’d rather be the guy protecting himself and loved ones when there is a potential threat around us. You never know when you’ll need a firearm to save yourself or your family.
Carry a small handgun with you, it’s the best self-defense there is.
7. Wallet
Last but not least, of course, your wallet.
You want your wallet to be like everything else. Minimal, efficient, and multifunctional.
Have you ever thought of your wallet as a survival tool? It’s not as common to be thought of that. There are many wallets uses for survival that most don’t think of. The right kind of used properly and serve you well.
As far as EDC essentials go, these are the items that are most commonly carried by preparedness-minded individuals. It works well for me as well.
The only item I’d say you can swap out with something else would be the handgun. Maybe a bigger knife.
If you liked this post, check out our post ranking the 10 best EDC shops online to visit.